So the past few days, the temperatures have reached the 90s (thats mid 30 degrees for the rest of the world), with a humidity of at least 60%. Combined, this has made for the hottest feeling so far.

There's an old English adage that "Horses sweat, men perspire, ladies merely glow." By that measure, I now certainly need to give up any remaining pretenses to ladylike behaviour. Of course, there few illusions left to shatter on that score after some of my antics...

More dispiritingly, all of the horses I passed, pulling their small buggies, have looked considerably closer to glowing than I am - manes brushed and trotting (or something) along quite happily. I, on the other hand, have re-discovered pores, previously only utilised on rare visits to a sauna. These pores are now active at all times of the day, regardless of whether I'm lying quite still in the shade in my bikini, or on my bike.

I need to sluggishly head off now, and find another river to cool off in...